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5 Ways Unleashing Your Inner Child Will Help You Dominate in Life

mardi 17 novembre 2015 / No Comments

Have you ever thought about the traits that make highly profitable entrepreneurs, top sales leaders and life hustlers so successful?

We read countless articles and books searching for the answer and most of the time we’re told to develop a certain skill, learn a new behavior or implement a new habit to reach the same level of success.
However, what if I told you that every skill, attitude, habit, and experience you’ve ever needed to dominate in life you’ve already previously mastered as a toddler?

As a society, we spend a lot of time teaching children to act and function in a particular way, but how often do we take a step back and see what children can teach us?

Below are a few examples of traits that both highly successful individuals and children have in common and how you can ‘unlearn’ what society has taught you as an adult to experience the same success.

Here are 5 things you can learn from your inner child:

1. Never take “no” for an answer:
Probably the best lesson we can learn from our four-year-old self is to never take “no” for an answer. Plead, beg and argue until you finally get what it is you desire.

Go to any supermarket and you’ll witness this strategy used by almost every toddler. Stroll into the candy aisle and more than likely you’ll find a crying child with a stressed out parent arguing back and forth about a sugary snack that the child wants. In most cases, the screaming match will end once the parent gives in and hands the child their desired treat.

Although we find this experience unpleasant, you have to admire the child’s persistence and tenacity.

If we adapt the same mindset and level of perseverance when asking for an opportunity, closing a deal or going after what it is you want — your strike rate is guaranteed to go through the roof if you consciously refuse to take “no” for an answer.

2. Everything is up for negotiation:
I remember negotiating bath time as a kid because I hated taking baths. Whilst watching my nightly cartoons at 5:30 pm sharp every night, I would hear the bath start running and I would anticipate my mother yelling across the hall, ‘Carla, time for a bath!’ For at least the next 3 minutes, I and my patient mother would negotiate the terms of taking the bath. ‘Can I come when this show finishes?’ ‘No, now Carla’. ‘Can I just wait till the ads are on?’ ‘No, NOW Carla!’.

Kids are masters of the art of negotiating. Watch a child engaging in the bargaining process; they learn early on that everything has subjective value.

3. Bounce back quicker:
Have you ever noticed that a child can switch from crying to laughing in two seconds flat?

They fall over, hurt themselves, then get back up and continue playing as if nothing happened. They ask for something, get told no, ask again, and if that doesn’t work — they move on and ask the next person.

Kids have a crazy level of resilience; when they hit a wall, they walk around it, climb over it or set up a catapult. Next time you get rejected or hit a road block, ask yourself ‘what would my inner child do?’

4. Meet five new people every day:
One thing I admire about children is their ability to make friends with anyone, instantly.

I remember taking my little sister to a playground and within five minutes she had coordinated all seven of the other kids to play hide and seek with her. By the end of the day, she had the phone numbers of two of the other girls parents and had organized another play day with them for the next week. Talk about social networking!

Imagine as entrepreneurs, sales people and business leaders if we too networked like a 7-year old. Imagine all the new contacts, prospects and business relationships we could form, grow and utilize.

Maybe we should start unleashing our inner-kid self and make a conscious effort to introduce ourselves to five new people every day. Our friend base will grow, our network will grow and most importantly — our businesses will grow!

5. The bigger the dream, the bigger the success:
Remember dreaming of becoming a fireman, a surgeon, an astronaut, the president or a famous movie star? Well, what happened? Most likely, you were told to “grow and get a real job“.

Not to say that the above careers aren’t real or attainable. It’s more to highlight the fact that when you’re young, you believe anything is possible — you can be anything, do anything, and achieve anything. However, as we grow up, we lose that magic and faith within ourselves.

We need strip back the limitations we and society place on ourselves and begin dreaming big dreams again!

12 Hard Truths About Success That Anyone Who Aims For the Stars Should Know

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Most of us felt like a little child lost in the big world when we were starting out with our careers. The way we define success is based on the people we look up to. Yet truth be told, there are so many other things in between that most of us do not know exists in the workplace until we experience it firsthand. For those starting out in the work field, the following list will let you have a glimpse of what to expect on your way to success. Here is the list:

1) People who complain the most at work usually get the most: This possibly is the biggest irony among lists like these but this is true most of the time. People who complain a lot tend to have the raise or even get the promotion. Does that sound like life is fair?

2) Bosses play favorites: Whether it is a sycophant colleague or your boss simply being too gullible to care, one colleague will be your boss’s favorite. You have to learn to deal with this and plan accordingly by attracting the attention of your boss right away.
3) You’ll hit at least one but most likely two big tragedies in your life while working: Whether it is a loss of a family or you were diagnosed with a chronic disease, it can most likely happen while you are working for the same company in 20+ years.

4) Some of the most successful people have the worst personal lives: This may ring true to some extent due to too much time spent at work. Most people will neglect family and everything else and have their time and energy all to their career.

5) There will be days when you think of work first, before your children: Life can be overwhelming especially if you have a problem at work that has not yet been resolved and so it gets the best of you. Most of the time, your concern for work equates that of someone you love dearly –your children.

6) Everyone uses their children as an excuse to get out of work at least three times a year: “I’m taking my kid to the doctor” or “I need to be at my child’s school play” are probably two of the most used excuses to get a break from work. There is nothing wrong with this as long as you don’t take it too far — like by saying your child is ill when they are not.

7) The older you get, the more you’ll understand what discrimination means: When there are new employees in the company, expect that you will be an outcast. Talk about the generation gap, eh?

8) About 5 percent of the people in your office are tough to understand: These people are everywhere. They are the ones that want to be alone in the corner. You can never ask them to accompany you to get a cup of coffee during the break or get to eat outside after work. You know their answer; it will always be a “No, thank you. I’m fine.”
9) People rarely do anything for you, whether it’s investing in your company or promoting you, because of the reason you think: With age comes wisdom. The longer you are with people, the easier for you to read them. Sometimes you get that promotion for a reason other than what you think is fair — but you still got it right?

10) People often reject the things you want for precisely the reason you think: They’ll just never tell you. When you have been working in the same company and with the same people for a long time, you know everyone’s ins and outs, the good and the bad. Your hunch doesn’t work here subconsciously but you can already read your colleagues’ minds.

11) The most important factor to whether your company will be successful or not is access to capital: A company that has a sure access to capital can take calculated risk thus can result in your company’s success. On the other hand, without the means to a capital, it will never take any risks leaving it at the platform it used to be when you were starting.

12) You will have to draw a line with coworkers when it comes to socializing: When you socialize with coworkers, you will have to draw a line because you never know if you current ‘friend’ will turn into your new boss. Every company is different but you never know when someone you socialize with will become your boss.

5 Unexpected Ways to Stop Procrastinating

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It can be hard to stay self-motivated when you’re facing your computer screen. Life gets in the way, and that new Netflix release can look awfully tempting compared to a strenuous session of work.
Time goes by, and before you know it, nothing has been done.
Ultimately, you’re the one who’s accountable for your own work. Even though getting things done can be tough when nobody’s there to push you, you can use a few techniques to get into the groove once again.
Try following these five tips and see if they get you going on what you should be doing:

1.Promise yourself a reward after doing a task

I like to treat myself to something nice, such as a snack or a TV show–but only after I’ve completed a certain amount of work. It’s not a pretty thought when you haven’t started, but it works.

For example, if I need to write a blog post, I might set a small goal such as doing some basic brainstorming. Once I jot down a number of bullet points, then I can have a small break.
I sometimes find that I’m actually tired and could use a break. Other times, I end up becoming incredibly focused on the task at hand and forget about the break. Either way, I’ve made progress.

2. Break the task down

It’s easy to get excited in the beginning of a project and set big, lofty goals for ourselves. But once the hard work begins, our initial goal just seems too out of reach. We begin to falter. As a result, we give up or decide to do the work “later”.
Instead of setting an overly ambitious goal such as “I’m going to lose 20 pounds by the end of next week”, why not set a concrete, yet manageable goal just for the day? The truth is, we often set goals that require too many steps, overwhelming ourselves.
For example, I might just set one very simple goal. It could just be, “Open a Word document and write down the topic.” That’s it. Then, I might set another mini-goal, such as “Type in a few bullet points.”
These tiny goals might not seem like much, but they challenge your resistance to getting started in the first place.

3.Warm up first

It can be hard to go straight from waking up and enjoying a nice breakfast to working right away. Why not do a warm-up first?
Doing work can be mentally taxing, especially if you’re still groggy. Instead, you could start off by doing a mental exercise to get you going. This could mean reading a book on self-development or psychology, or solving a Sudoku puzzle.
Physical exercises also do wonders when it comes to starting off the day right. A cardio workout helps you increase your energy and feeling ready to take on the day.

4.Stop analysis-paralysis

Have you ever thought of starting something, but thought that just reading one more article or watching one more video would provide a flash of insight? And then you ended up just reading about it, but not actually doing something.
Hesitation is part of the process. It’s natural. But if you let it take hold, fear can keep you from starting at all.
Next time that happens, try this: Just let loose. Do something. Don’t get stuck on the idea of being perfect. Just try something out and improve as you go along. It can be intimidating, but also strangely liberating.

5.Think of what will happen if you DON’T get started

Studies have shown that people who procrastinate tend to have “myopia” when it comes to the future. That is, they only see the short-term rewards, but not the long-term effects of procrastination.
Playing a video game in the next hour is much more rewarding immediately than working on a goal, but damaging in the long run if you keep putting off what’s important.
If you find yourself in this situation, try this:
Imagine the worst situation that will happen if you don’t do something productive.
For example, let’s say you’re at a job you hate and dream of running your own business. You get home tired from work. But instead of researching more into starting a venture, it’s easier to watch TV. Think of what will happen in 10 years. You’ll probably be stuck at the same old job, wondering what could have been if you had taken action earlier.
What is one technique you like to use to get un-stuck?


mardi 20 octobre 2015 / No Comments

3 sets of 10-15 repetitions of this exercise done over time will increase the strength of abdominal muscles and your lower back. You just grasp the highest cable on the lat pull machine.  Keep the pulley behind your head.  Tighten your abs, bringing your torso down until it is parallel to the ground.  Rise slowly.


Strengthens arms for better support.  Self-explanatory.


The squat is a well-known exercise for physical fitness.  Composed of a hip thrust made more effective by the pull of gravity: it is also a movement that is often used in the midst of the sexual act.  Both male and female will develop stronger hip and leg muscles enabling a host of new sexual positions.


Assume position like superman flying.  Lift both arms and both legs off the ground.  Great for tightening back and butt muscles.


Kegels are done tensing and untensing the inner pelvic muscles.  Men and women will achieve better, longer lasting sexual satisfaction.


Very effect way of toning muscles known as obliques, those on the side of your torso.  You’ll have better balance and more flexibility.


An exact imitation of the sex thrust.  Done repeatedly, it leads to greater stamina.
      Kettlebell Swing


Like a push-up only the pressure is focused on the abdominal muscles.


Greater flexibility for unusual sexual positions, particularly in the groin and hamstring areas.  Who knows what you’ll be able to do after this.


Increases upper body strength by walking on hands.


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It takes all kinds of people to keep the world turning round. Seems like that’s especially true when it comes to cleanliness. Some are born slobs with homes that look like a cyclone touched down right square in the middle. Others are moderately neat, while yet others are obsessively neat and clean, you know who they are. The neat freaks who get nauseous at the sight of dust or any type of disorder. So here we have 25 meticulous cleaning tricks for that neat freak we all know:
1. Binder Clip/Sponge Stand — Serves to keep the sponge dry instead of wet and revolting.

2.  Clean Lightbulbs With a Microfiber Cloth

3. Microwave Sponge — You don’t need to do this for longer than two minutes while the microwave is on high. Guaranteed to kill nearly all of the germs and bacteria thriving on it and in it. But this method is only effective for nonmetallic sponges.

4. Cleaning Your Iron — Use salt to clean your scorched iron. Just take ordinary table salt and turn your iron on to the cotton setting. Once it’s hot, put it down on the salt and rub it back and forth until the marks are gone. Turn off the iron, let it cool off and then wipe the bottom clean with a damp cloth.
5. Remove Carpet and Mattress Stains — Mix hydrogen peroxide and blue dawn dish soap.

6. Clean with Waxed Paper to Prevent Water Spots and Also Finger Prints
Wax Paper Water

7. Make Your House Smell Like Heaven — Two caps of vanilla extract in a coffee cup placed in the oven at 300 degrees for one hour. It takes only twenty minutes for the whole house to smell divine.

8. Clean Dryer Vents — This should be done every 6 months. 
9. Residue Remover — 1/2 coconut oil and 1/2 baking soda.
10.  Clean Vintage Paintings — Use a bagel.

11.  Remove Difficult Stains With an Iron — Take a mixture of 1 part white vinegar and 2 parts water and spray it on the affected area.  Place a damp cloth over it.  Iron it using the steam setting for 30 seconds.

 12.  Clean the Sink’s Drain — For daily cleaning, use a mild soap and a sponge or even a soft rag to wipe it out.  If your sink is stainless steel, however, you should never use ammonia, bleach, or abrasive cleaners on it.
Clean the Sink's DrainClean the Sink's Drain
The sink should always be completely rinsed out every time it is used.  The salt and acid in the food we eat can easily harm the finish of a stainless steel sink, so rinse out food and liquids too. 
13.  Clean Washing Machine — Fill the washing machine and add 2 cups of white vinegar.  Allow it to stand for 1 hour, then start up the washing machine and allow it to do a complete cycle.  Once the machine drains, it should be pretty clean. Next you once again fill up the washing machine and this time add 2 cups of bleach.  Leave it to soak for 1 hour.  Restart the washing machine and allow it to complete a full cycle.
                via simplefixesformessymixes
14.  Purifying Light Sanitizing Cutting Board System– Kills 99.9% of all bacteria, viruses, and germs.
                      Light Sanitizing Cutting Board System

15.  Cleaning Your Mattress — Baking soda and any essential oil you choose will do the job.  And vacuuming your mattress.  The baking soda draws up any moisture as well as ground in dirt.  It also deodorizes and you will find your mattress smelling fresh and clean.  The essential oil will leave behind a pleasant scent.
                       via make-it-do
16.  Clean Blinds Using a Sock and Vinegar
                                                       Clean Blinds Using a Sock and Vinegar
17.  Remove Toilet Ring With No Scrubbing — Use a piece of Mr. Clean’s Magic Eraser, place it in the toilet for the night.  No ring in the morning.
Remove Toilet Ring
18.  Dust First Then Vacuum — You’ll pick up all the dust that has fallen.
                    via thehomemakingarts

 19.  Take a Shower and Clean the Shower — Use a Scotch Brite dish wand and put 1/2 vinegar and 1/2 dishwashing detergent in it.
                          via anyclean
20.  Give Everything a Place
                              via tumblr
 21.  Use Lemonade Flavored Kool-Aid to Clean Your Dishwasher
                                              via realsimple
 22.  Use Vinegar for Almost All Cleaning

              via Edison Avenue
23.  When Cleaning Bathroom, Fill Tub With Several Inches of the Hottest Water — Heating tile and tub a mere 10 degrees above the normal air temperature will serve to double the effectiveness of alkaline cleansers.

               via hgtv
24.  Clean Baseboards With Fabric Softener Wipes
             via apartmenttherapy
25.  Clean the Toaster — This is one item that the average person just doesn’t think of cleaning.  If you have a stainless steel toaster, all you have to do is take a little Cream of Tartar and add a few drops of water, then give that toaster a vigorous scrubbing.
Clean the Toaster
Watch this video on how to clean the toaster.
Don’t forget to share the post with your friends..


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It’s now time to stop stressing your life over petty things. There are some basics to cover up things in order to simplify lifestyle in a better way. Start from your beauty tips to the way out to your favorite costume. Here we are presenting to you 27 life hacks that you should know:


Use a graphite pencil to fix a stuck zipper teeth.


Leave your t-shirts in salt water for about three days to make them soft.
Get your t-shirts go softGet your t-shirts go soft1


Coat some baby powders overnight to remove oil stains from your handbag.
       via wikihow


Remove unwanted scratches from your leather coat or bag by just rubbing up a bit of moisturizer into the scratch.
                      via Facebook


Use hair conditioner when you are in need of a shaving cream.


Use your Blow-dryer to dry your shoes keeping your socks/flats on while it cools down to make them waterproof.
       via umbrelr


Use a salad-spinner to dry hand-washed clothes.


Iron your collar using your Hair Straightener. It is a quick remedy.
       via LifeHacker


Spray tights with your hairsprays to stay away from runs.


Use white wine to erase the spots of red wine.


Remove sweat stains from your clothes by spraying lemon juice on them before washing.
       via alldaychic


Use Windex safely to restore the shine to patent shoes.
                  via modernmommyhood


Use rice and a sock to prepare a DIY hot pack which is perfect for aches and pains.
       via umbrelr


Add keys to your rings or a staple remover to tie up your keys on your ring.


Use ice-cubes to remove gums from your hair.
             via cdnpix


While ironing your button-up shirt, vault it inside out so that it is easier to iron over the button.


Hang up the clothes you wear in one direction and get rid of the clothes that you don’t wear usually.
       via blogspot


Put baking soda to keep away shoes from stinking.
       via virals


Add in a bra strap clasp to your T-shirt to shun a visible bra strap.
       via blogspot


Use a shower cap to wrap your shoes while packing up your suitcase.
             via klikpic


Rub your deodorant stains with a pair of jeans to remove it completely.
       via livejournal

22# CADDY:

Use a caddy as storage for your hair appliances.
                                via usefultipsforhome


Put pool noodles in your boots to keep them upright.
       via buzzfeed


Remove stinking smell from vintage or thrift clothing by a spraying a mixture of vodka and water.
       via dashfieldvintage


Use Fantastik to shine gold and diamond.
       via wikihow


Coat a clear nail polish inside your rings to avoid nails from getting green stains.
via trusper
via trusper


Encase a rubber-band around its lid to tight its grip.
       via lovelyish